So you want training in conflict mediation?
Do you want to use those skills to help other houses with conflicts? 2019-20 Members will be able to receive training in conflict resolution based on a first come first serve option for members. Those individuals who receive this training will have an opportunity to use their training as a third party mediator for other houses when a conflict cannot be handled in house. Co-op members can register to receive this training. Everybody who signs on for 2019-20 will be required to use and be assisted by a designated conflict manager from another house if a conflict arises and is unable to be resolved in house. |
Co-op houses work because its members are committed to participation. Co-op members are required to pair up once a week and cook for the entire house. Co-op members are required to attend house meetings and take on an additional house chore. When there are conflicts between members that cannot be solved in house then those conflicted agree to independent mediation from a co-op conflict manager.
Participating co-op members have the option to get trained in conflict management and mediation. Members that train can become resources for houses that have a conflict. If you are in conflict with anyone in the house and it cannot be handled in house then you submit to outside mediation. |